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Cats Involved


Otterpaw awoke from his sleep under a hazel bush with a smile on his face. Another eventful night with Moonchaser in Starclan. Moonchaser was his mentor, who was training

him to become a warrior. And one day he was going to find a clan to join.Crawling out from under the hazel bush, Otterpaw gave a stretch. Time to practice that new stalking technique he'd learned in his dream to catch his first fresh-kill of the day. Scenting the air, he began his hunt.In the lush undergrowth, it didn't take him long to pick up the scent of a thrush. Slipping into the crouch, he began to slink around a holly bush, until the thrush was in his sights. Recalling Moonchaser's advice, he began stalking forward, careful to stay downwind. Right before he was about to pounce, a brown blur shot out of the bushes opposite him, scaring the thrush into flying off- right towards him. With a great leap, Otterpaw shot upwards, snatching the thrush right out of the air. As he landed, he spotted another cat standing where the thrush used to be; the brown blur that must have scared it off. "Nice catch" the other tom called, though he looked vaguely annoyed, more than likely at himself. Otterpaw smiled; this cat seemed friendly enough. "We make a good team! Would you like to share the catch? My name's Otterpaw" The other tom blinked, seemingly surprised, though he stood and started to move towards Otterpaw. "Thank you. My name's Rowanpaw- are you a clan cat?""No, but I will be one day."

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